Prenatal Exposure to Antiseizure Medication and Risk of Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: evidence from the Nordics

ISPOR-AU General Meeting, March 2023

Elena Dudukina, MD, MSc, PhD | Clinical Specialist (postdoc) | E-mail address: | Department of Clinical Epidemiology | Aarhus University Hospital

Prenatal exposure to antiseizure medication

What is known?


    • Nordics: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden:

      • 4 494 926 participants

      • Prenatal exposure to antiseizure medication: topiramate, valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, valproate, pregabalin, gabapentin, mono- and duotherapies

      • Comparators:

        • Children born from antiseizure therapy-unexposed pregnancies of women with epilepsy

        • Children born antiseizure therapy-unexposed of women in the total population

      • Outcomes:

        • Autism spectrum disorder

        • Intellectual disability

        • Any neurodevelopmental disorder

Previous results from the Nordics

  • No increased risks were identified for levetiracetam, gabapentin, pregabalin, or phenobarbital

  • Topiramate and valproate in monotherapy were associated with a 2- to 4-fold increased risk of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability1

Further questions

  • Use of active comparators for most used antiepileptic medication: pregabalin

  • Exposure unrestricted to mono-therapy (any prenatal exposure to pregabalin)


Pregabalin indications

Approved indications for pregabalin (in the European Union):

  • Epilepsy

  • Neuropathic pain

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Previous evidence on prenatal pregabalin exposure and adverse outcomes

  • European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS):
    • 3-fold increased risk of any major non-chromosomal congenital malformation
  • Medicaid beneficiaries + MarketScan in the US:
    • Pooled RR=1.33 (95% CI: 0.83-2.15); interpreted as no association
  • Confounding by indication is a major concern since most of the earlier studies compared exposure to pregabalin with no exposure to AED
  • Postnatal outcomes are rarely investigated
    • Particular postnatal outcomes are of interest, eg, ADHD

Country-level data on pregabalin use in women

Pregabalin is an antiepileptic drug (AED), prescribed to approximately 0.5 per thousand pregnant women in Europe, with increasing use after 2010.


link_list_dk <- list(
  "1996_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "1997_atc_code_data.txt"  = "",
  "1998_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "1999_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2000_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2001_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2002_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2003_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2004_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2006_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2007_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2008_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2009_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2010_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2011_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2012_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2013_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2014_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2015_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2016_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2017_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2018_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2019_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2020_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2021_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "2022_atc_code_data.txt" = "",
  "atc_code_text.txt" = "",
  "atc_groups.txt" = "",
  "population_data.txt" = ""

# ATC codes are stored in files
seq_atc <- c(1:26)
atc_code_data_list <- link_list_dk[seq_atc]

# drugs names
eng_drug <- read_delim(link_list_dk[["atc_groups.txt"]], delim = ";", col_names = c(paste0("V", c(1:6))), col_types = cols(V1 = col_character(), V2 = col_character(), V3 = col_character(), V4 = col_character(), V5 = col_character(), V6 = col_character())) %>% 
  # keep drug classes labels in English
  filter(V5 == "1") %>% 
  select(ATC = V1,
         drug = V2,
         unit_dk = V4)

# drugs data
atc_data <- map(atc_code_data_list, ~read_delim(file = .x, delim = ";", trim_ws = T, col_names = c(paste0("V", c(1:14))), col_types = cols(V1 = col_character(), V2 = col_character(), V3 = col_character(), V4 = col_character(), V5 = col_character(),V6 = col_character(), V7 = col_character(), V8 = col_character(), V9 = col_character(), V10 = col_character(), V11 = col_character(), V12 = col_character(), V13 = col_character(), V14 = col_character()))) %>% 
  # bind atc_data from all years

# population data
pop_data <- read_delim(link_list_dk[["population_data.txt"]], delim = ";", col_names = c(paste0("V", c(1:7))), col_types = cols(V1 = col_character(), V2 = col_character(), V3 = col_character(), V4 = col_character(), V5 = col_character(), V6 = col_character(), V7 = col_character())) %>%
  # rename and keep columns
  select(year = V1,
         region_text = V2,
         region = V3,
         gender = V4,
         age = V5,
         denominator_per_year = V6) %>% 
  # human-reading friendly label on sex categories
      gender_text = case_when(
      gender == "1" ~ "men",
      gender == "2" ~ "women",
      T ~ as.character(gender)
  ) %>% 
  # make numeric variables
  mutate_at(vars(year, age, denominator_per_year), as.numeric) %>% 
  arrange(year, age, region, gender)

atc_data %<>% 
  # rename and keep columns
    ATC = V1,
    year = V2,
    sector = V3,
    region = V4,
    gender = V5, # 0 - both; 1 - male; 2 - female; A - age in categories
    age = V6,
    number_of_people = V7,
    patients_per_1000_inhabitants = V8,
    turnover = V9,
    regional_grant_paid = V10,
    quantity_sold_1000_units = V11,
    quantity_sold_units_per_unit_1000_inhabitants_per_day = V12,
    percentage_of_sales_in_the_primary_sector = V13

atc_data %<>% 
  # clean columns names and set-up labels
    year = as.numeric(year),
    region_text = case_when(
      region == "0" ~ "DK",
      region == "1" ~ "Region Hovedstaden",
      region == "2" ~ "Region Midtjylland",
      region == "3" ~ "Region Nordjylland",
      region == "4" ~ "Region Sjælland",
      region == "5" ~ "Region Syddanmark",
      T ~ NA_character_
    gender_text = case_when(
      gender == "0" ~ "both sexes",
      gender == "1" ~ "men",
      gender == "2" ~ "women",
      T ~ as.character(gender)
  ) %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(turnover, regional_grant_paid, quantity_sold_1000_units, quantity_sold_units_per_unit_1000_inhabitants_per_day, number_of_people, patients_per_1000_inhabitants), as.numeric) %>% 
  select(-V14) %>%
  region == "0",
  sector == "0",
  gender == "2"

atc_data %<>% 
  # deal with non-numeric age in groups
    str_detect(age, "[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
  ) %>% 
    age = parse_number(age)
  ) %>% 
  select(year, ATC, gender, age, number_of_people, patients_per_1000_inhabitants, region_text, gender_text)

regex_pregabalin <- "^N02BF02$"

atc_data %<>% filter(str_detect(ATC, regex_pregabalin))
atc_data %<>% left_join(eng_drug)
atc_data %<>% left_join(pop_data)

# group to the same categories as in Swedish data
atc_data_se <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = "C:/Users/au595736/OneDrive - Aarhus Universitet/ISPOR 2023/Statistikdatabasen_2023-03-15 10_54_00.xlsx", sheet = 1) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c("2006":"2022")) %>% 
    name = as.numeric(name),
    country = "Sweden"

atc_data %<>% mutate(
  age_cat = cut(age, c(-Inf, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, Inf))
) %>% 
  group_by(age_cat, year) %>% 
    number_of_people_age_cat = sum(number_of_people),
    denominator_per_year_age_cat = sum(denominator_per_year),
    patients_per_1000_inhabitants_age_cat = (number_of_people_age_cat/denominator_per_year_age_cat)*1000
  ) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
    age_cat != "(-Inf,14]",
    age_cat != "(49, Inf]"
  ) %>% 
    age_cat = case_when(
      age_cat == "(14,19]" ~ "15-19",
      age_cat == "(19,24]" ~ "20-24",
      age_cat == "(24,29]" ~ "25-29",
      age_cat == "(29,34]" ~ "30-34",
      age_cat == "(34,39]" ~ "35-39",
      age_cat == "(39,44]" ~ "40-44",
      age_cat == "(44,49]" ~ "45-49"
    country = "Denmark"
  ) %>% 
  distinct(age_cat, year, number_of_people_age_cat, denominator_per_year_age_cat, patients_per_1000_inhabitants_age_cat)

atc <- full_join(atc_data, atc_data_se, by = c("year" = "name", "age_cat" = "Ålder", "patients_per_1000_inhabitants_age_cat" = "value", "country" = "country")) %>% 
  select(year, age_cat, patients_per_1000_inhabitants_age_cat, country)

ggplot <- atc %>% 
  # filter(! %>%
  mutate(label = if_else(year == 2022, as.character(age_cat), NA_character_),
         value = case_when(
             age_cat == "30-34" ~"#3E9286",
             age_cat == "35-39" ~ "#E8B88A",
             T ~ "gray"
         )) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = patients_per_1000_inhabitants_age_cat, group = age_cat, color = value)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(country), scales = "free", drop = F) +
  theme_light(base_size = 14, base_family = "Ubuntu") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(seq(2004, 2022, 5))) +
  scale_color_identity() +
  theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 10),
        legend.position = "none",
        panel.spacing = unit(0.8, "cm")) +
  labs(y = "Female patients of reproductive age\nper 1,000 women in the population", title = "Pregabalin utilization in women", subtitle = "aged between 15 and 49 years in DK and SE\n2004-2022", caption = "Elena Dudukina | @evpatora") +
    ggrepel::geom_label_repel(aes(label = label), na.rm = TRUE, nudge_x = 3, hjust = 0.5, direction = "y", segment.size = 0.1, segment.colour = "black", show.legend = F, family = "Ubuntu")

ggsave(filename = paste0(Sys.Date(), "_pregabalin use in DK and SE.pdf"), plot = ggplot, path = "C:/Users/au595736/OneDrive - Aarhus Universitet/ISPOR 2023/", dpi = 900, height = 6, width = 8, device = cairo_pdf)

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics


  • Non-interventional study was a post-authorisation safety (PAS) study conducted as a commitment to the European Medicines Agency (EUPAS27339)
  • Participants:
    • Denmark
    • Finland
    • Sweden
    • Norway
  • Time period: 2005-2016
  • Population-based
  • All births identified in the respective medical birth registers from 01 January 2005 through 31 December 2015

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics


  • Any-trimester pregabalin exposure as at least one dispensing of pregabalin from LMP-90 days to the day before date of birth
  • Pregabalin monotherapy in sensitivity analysis


  • No exposure to pregagbalin or other antiepileptics or active comparators
  • Active comparators
    • Lamotrigine
    • Duloxetine
    • Lamotrigine and/or duloxetine and/or

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics


Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Covariables and confounding control

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics


  • All covariables were available for at least 12 months before the end of the earliest identified pregnancy
  • Maternal pre-pregnancy comorbidities using diagnostic codes from the national patient registries
  • Maternal pre-pregnancy medication use from the national prescription registers

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Descriptive variables:

  • Caesarean delivery
  • Children’s sex distributions
  • Distributions of potential indications for pregabalin use inferred by recorded diagnoses before pregnancy (epilepsy, pain, GAD)

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Postnatal outcomes

  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Intellectual disability

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Statistical analyses

  • Crude and adjusted hazard ratios (HRs)
  • Robust cluster-adjusted 95% CIs
  • Cox proportional-hazards regression adjusted using propensity score (PS) fine stratification
    • Distinct PS model for each country and contrast
    • Trimming of the non-overlapping areas of PS distribution based on the PS distribution among exposed
  • Pooling of country-specific relative risk estimates in a meta-analysis with fixed effects for different countries
  • Post-hoc analysis using Mantel-Haenszel (MH) pooling (retaining zero-exposed)

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Main results

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Additional results

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Monotherapy analyses

Results summary

  • There was a 1.2 to 1.3-fold increased risk of SGA and ADHD among offspring with prenatal exposure to pregabalin vs no exposure to AED
  • Associations attenuated in analyses using active comparators
  • At least partly can be explained by residual confounding
  • No evidence of an association between prenatal exposure to pregabalin and increased risk of ASD or intellectual disability

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Residual confounding

  • Unbalance for the contrast of offspring with exposure to pregabalin vs no exposure
    • analgesics
    • antipsychotics
    • antidepressants
    • history of depression and other neurological disorders
  • Residual confounding by indication cannot be ruled out

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Comparisons with previous studies

  • Valproate is associated with 1.5-fold increased risk of ADHD and 2.4-fold increased risk of any postnatal neurodevelopmental disorder1

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Outcome misclassification

  • Few false-positives are expected
    • Positive predictive values for ADHD coding 87% (DK)
    • Positive predictive values for autism coding 94% (DK)
  • Age at ADHD onset:
    • 8 years in Denmark
    • 7.5 years in Finland
    • 10.5 years in Norway
    • 12 years in Sweden
  • Children with subdiagnostic symptoms

Pregabalin and neurodevelopment study in the Nordics

Exposure misclassification

  • Possible: true intake of pregabalin and comparators is unknown
  • Redeemed prescriptions > issued prescriptions


  • Increased risks in excess of 1.8 were unlikely for ADHD
  • There was no evidence of an association with other examined neurodevelopmental postnatal outcomes
  • Overall more reassuring finding than not